
单词数:128 示例图

flight because of direct pilot succeed
as long as school-leaver exactly take care sir
officer stupid take off jacket ours
tie row pool pass secondary
secondary school absent bell wealthy fear
used to wealth double seldom spare
spare time speak up deaf tiny electric
light candle postman cold heat
full-time role education transport set off
sock whenever proper edge yourself
go off starve go in one go rock
rock climbing stone fairly smooth straight
tent fall fall asleep hang sudden
gun soft still wood blood
catch up agreement blind ouch call off
thanks to health care expect require physical
effort once in a while harm invitation calendar
balloon paint Heat heat up knife
fork spoon cheeseburger Italian Westerner
West serve similar wing lady
gentleman help yourself cross achieve including
speaker boss secretary quarter industry
zero Indian type handbag beat
pardon intend fetch pancake rose
laugh at kindness give up try one's best disappointed
bedside note whom
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