
单词数:156 示例图

eat breakfast have...class play sports exercise do morning exercise
eat dinner clean my room go for a walk go shopping take
dancing take a dancing class when after start
usually Spain late a.m. p.m.
why shop work last sound
also busy need play letter
live island always cave go swimming
win spring summer autumn winter
season picnic go on a picnic pick pick apples
snowman make a snowman go swimming. which best
snow good job because vacation all
pink lovely leaf fall paint
January February March April May
June July August September October
November December few a few thing
meet sports meet Easter trip year
plant contest the Great Wall national National Day
American Thanksgiving Christmas holiday game
roll look for chocolate bunny RSVP
by first second third fourth
fifth twelfth twentieth twenty-first twenty-third
thirtieth special fool kitten diary
still noise fur open walk
mine yours his hers theirs
ours climbing eating playing jumping
drinking sleeping each other each other
excited like doing morning exercises having...class eating lunch
reading a book listening to music keep keep to the right keep your desk clean
talk quietly turn take turns bamboo its
show anything else exhibition say
have a look sushi teach sure Canadian
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